Archivos de Etiquetas: convocatorias

Forecasting Elections in Latin America: CfP Special Issue

Editors: María Celeste Ratto, IIDyPCa-CONICET-UNRN. Éric Bélanger, McGill University. Michael S. Lewis-Beck, University of Iowa We are preparing a special issue on “Forecasting Elections in Latin America”. Given the limited amount of work on this question for countries of the region, these papers can make great contributions, encouraging future efforts on this topic within and […]

Call for submissions for a special issue: Public Opinion and COVID-19 in Latin America

Editors: Gregory Love and Amy Erica Smith The COVID-19 pandemic poses unprecedented challenges for governments, civil societies, publics and survey researchers across Latin America. From the perspective of survey methodology, social distancing and economic crisis demand creative solutions to old problems related to sampling design, question wording, and valid inference. From theoretical and policy perspectives, […]